Thursday, November 16, 2006

What is astragalus?

What is astragalus?
Astragalus is an herb that has many possible benefits, including fighting infection and the common cold, to benefiting cancer and AIDS patients!

Astragalus has been used in China for hundreds of years. Known there, since about A.D. 100, as “huang qi,” meaning “yellow leader,” it is taken from the root of the plant. There are more than 2,000 varieties of astragalus in the world. One type is native to Northern China, and it has been widely tested.

The plant is allowed to mature for four to seven years and the root is harvested in early spring. Astragalus contains many ingredients, including amino acids, polysaccharides, triterpene glycosides, flavonoids, isoflavones, saponins and trace minerals.


Traditional Chinese medicine has used astragalus for such problems as weakness, edema, respiratory infections, diabetes, night sweats, diarrhea, heart disease and high blood pressure. Medical journals suggest the herb may stimulate the immune system and the body’s ability to resist and combat various diseases. Astragalus may also inhibit the spread and growth of cancer cells.

In the United States, astragalus has been the subject of much study in recent years. Studies at the University of Houston have shown astragalus may help improve immunity function in cancer patients, by increasing T-cell counts. Other testing, including research by the National Cancer Institute, continues to explore further possible medical benefits of astragalus, including the treatment of AIDS.


Possible benefits of astragalus:

1. May improve the immune system of cancer patients and others.

2. May help with disease resistance.

3. May help normalize blood pressure.

4. May help the body fight against bacterial and viral infections.

5. May help hasten recovery from the common cold.

6. May help improve symptoms in Alzheimer’s patients.

7. May help improve appetite and digestion.

8. May help to generally strengthen the body.

9. May help in the treatment of respiratory infections.

10. May have a diuretic effect.

11. May increase energy.

12. May help regulate blood sugar levels.

13. May prolong life.

14. May be helpful to patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatment.

Astragalus has no known harmful side-effects.


Astragalus is an exciting and potentially promising herb. Further research may prove astragalus to be invaluable in the medical treatment of a variety of conditions and illnesses.

It is always recommended that one consult a physician before self-treating a medical condition.


Astragalus is one of Nature’s special gifts!

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Mr.Shashi kiran