Sunday, November 19, 2006

What is homeopathy?

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a gentle, holistic system of healing, suitable for everyone, young and old. Homeopathy focuses on you as an individual, concentrating on treating your specific physical and emotional symptoms, to give long lasting benefits.

The therapy is based on the theory of treating “like with like”. Homeopathic remedies are highly diluted natural substances that if given in stronger doses to a healthy person, would produce the symptoms the medicine is prescribed for. In the assessment of you, the patient, homeopaths will take into account the range of physical, emotional and lifestyle factors in order to prescribe the right medicine(s).

Homeopathy is a complementary therapy
Homeopathy has been widely used throughout the world for more than 200 years. In 2000, the House of Lords’ Select Committee on Science & Technology cited homeopathy as one of the five Group One therapies, having “an individual diagnostic approach” along with osteopathy, chiropractic, herbal medicine and acupuncture. (1)

Homeopathy can be safely used alongside most conventional medicines.

How long has Homeopathy been used?
Homeopathy has been used in the UK for over two hundred years, but has an honourable tradition dating back to ancient Greece. It was Samuel Hahnemann, a brilliant doctor working in 1796 who developed the scientific and philosophical foundations of this gentler way of healing. These scientific principles form the basis of successful homeopathic practice today.

Are homeopathic remedies safe?
Homeopathic remedies are a unique, potentised energy medicine, drawn from the plant, mineral and animal worlds. They are diluted to such a degree that not one molecule of the original substance can be detected (after the 6c potency).

They work by gently boosting the natural energy of the body, and are very safe, even for pregnant and sensitive patients. There is no danger of addiction or toxicity.(2)

How are the remedies discovered?
The clinical indications of our medicines are discovered in all of three ways:

• The toxicity symptoms (or poisoning picture, eg. vomiting and diarrhoea caused by arsenic)

• The ‘signature’ of the medicine, an ancient medical idea based on the ‘affinities’ of certain substances (eg. Deadly Nightshade, Atropa belladonna has large shiny black berries that resemble the dilated pupils of the eyes in high fever)

• The ‘proving’, in which the highly diluted substances are tested blind on a group of healthy volunteers who then record the symptoms they experience. Where there is agreement amongst provers, the symptoms are documented in a Repertory.

All this information is used to match the remedies with your symptoms.

How are the remedies made?
There are five regulated homeopathic pharmacies in the UK (see Find a Pharmacy). The raw extracts (from plants or animals) or triturations (from minerals and salts) are made into a ‘tincture’ with alcohol which forms the basis of the dilution procedure. Dilutions are made up to either 1 part tincture to 10 parts water (1x) or 1 part tincture to 100 parts water (1c). Repeated dilution results in the familiar 6x, 6c or 30c potencies that can be bought over the counter: the 30c contains less than 1 part per million of the original substance.

If they are so dilute, how can they work?
After each dilution the mixture is vigorously agitated in a machine that delivers a calibrated amount of shaking. This is called succussion. It is thought that this process imprints the healing energy of the medicinal substance throughout the body of water (the diluent) as if a message is passed on. The message contains the healing energy. Even in ultra-molecular dilutions, information specific to the original dissolved substance remains and can be detected. (3)

What can homeopathy treat?
Homeopathy has a wide application, from acute fevers, sore throats and toothache, to chronic illnesses such as arthritis, eczema, asthma, anxiety, mild depression and chronic fatigue syndrome. There has been some very good research evidence to support this (see Research section).

What happens when you see a homeopath?
Your homeopath understands that establishing good health involves treating both mind and body, so time is taken to listen to your emotional and physical symptoms. To stimulate your body's own healing process, a remedy closest to your individual symptom picture is prescribed. Healing beings from within your body, strengthening your health and immune system, without any danger of damaging side effects.

Mr.Shashi kiran