Wednesday, November 29, 2006

How to Get Rid of a Cold Without Using Medications

Get rid of a cold without taking medications.

1. If your fever is 103 or under don't take fever reducer (like Tylenol or ibuprofen) unless you have problems with seizures. The fever kills the virus and is actually beneficial.
2. Mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, 2 teaspoons of honey (or more if you desire) and fresh squeezed juice from 1/2 lemon (this is helpful but not completely necessary) to a mug of water that has been boiled. Stir. Drink this three times per day.
3. If hungry, eat homemade chicken noodle soup with lots of fresh ground pepper. Also, eat spicy stuff (example; hot wings)
4. Lie around and watch movies as much as possible.
5. Suck on zinc lozenges, do not chew them. Take according to package instructions.
6. Take lots of baths and showers
7. Use a vaporizer or humidifier
8. Boil water on the stove all day to humidify the house. Be careful to not let all of the water evaporate out.
9. Use a microwaved rice sock on your head, ears, neck, or wherever you have muscle aches and discomforts.


* Always ask you doctor if there is any medical reason you should not try these methods.
* Use caution when using vaporizers and boiling water around children, steam from vaporizers can get very hot and a child can pull a pan down from the stove.

Things You'll Need

* Apple cider vinegar, honey, lemon, water, homemade chicken noodle soup, spicy food, fresh ground pepper, movies, TV, something to lay on, blanket, zinc lozenges, bathtub, pan to boil water, vaporizer or humidifier, rice sock

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Mr.Shashi kiran