Tuesday, November 21, 2006

What is Retarded Ejaculation?

Some men have difficulty ejaculating (coming) or cannot ejaculate. Delayed or retarded ejaculation happens more often with intercourse and less often with masturbation. It can occur occasionally and may not be an ongoing problem. For example, after an excessive intake of alcohol a man may have difficulty coming. With some men, delayed ejaculation happens nearly every time they have sexual intercourse and is of concern.

Delayed ejaculation may be a physical problem or may be a side-effect of a medication, but more often, delayed ejaculation is caused by other factors.

The problem may be physical or may be a side-effect of a medication, in which case a medical practitioner should be consulted. More often, delayed ejaculation is caused by other factors. Some men, whose sexual stimulation most often derives from masturbation, cannot achieve the same pleasure from intercourse - the feeling is 'different', unfamiliar or not as strong.
Anxiety or embarrassment related to sexual 'performance'. Tension, anger or disappointment associated with your partner and/or relationship.

The practice of withholding ejaculation as a form of (unreliable) contraception.

Fear of injuring your partner or making a female partner pregnant during intercourse.
Childhood experiences or environment where a boy might routinely withhold ejaculations:
A strict home, where masturbation was frowned upon.

Religious or cultural background.

Experiences of sexual abuse.

Mr.Shashi kiran